EE System: How Does The EESystem Work?
How Does The EESystem Work: The Science Behind EESystem
Delve into the inner workings of the Energy Enhancement EE System as Jason Shurka explains how does the EESystem work.
Watch this 40-minute presentation explaining how does the innovative EE System work, the technology within it and how EESystem technology can aid health and wellness.
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How Does The EESystem Work?
The Energy Enhancement EE System works by creating a balanced environment for the body to synchronise with, utilising principles such as the Law of Conservation (i.e. energy is infinite in nature and can neither be created nor destroyed) and maintaining optimal cellular charge, pH and oxygen levels. With a laser aligned configuration of the EESystem "Black Boxes" and the multiple display screens they combine to generate a stable torsion field and transmit elements like Schumann's Resonance and colour therapy which empowers the body to take an active role in its own holistic well being.
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How the EESystem works: The science in simple terms
How does the Energy Enhancement EE System technology work, and what is the science behind it? Can we explain the science without using complex, high-level quantum physics terms that most people don't understand?
The truth is, most of us, are like infants in this world because we lack knowledge. However, the more I learned about it, the simpler it became. To make this EESystem technology understandable, let's break it down into five foundational concepts. These foundations are essential for grasping the core principles before delving into the actual technology.
1. Environment
The first foundation revolves around the environment. Understanding the difference between health and disease doesn't have to be overly complicated. It boils down to one basic rule – you adapt to the environment you're in. If your environment is unhealthy, filled with dirty electricity, radiation, pollution, toxins, and pesticides, it creates a bioresonant field of energy. Spending enough time in such an environment syncs you to that field, impacting your health. In simple terms, your well-being is influenced by the quality of the environment you're in.
For example, when women are together in the same room, their menstrual cycles synchronise. However, we know that one woman isn't passing it to the next – it's not contagious. Instead, there's a bioresonant field that these women are syncing to. This bioresonant field allows them to coordinate their expressions, as seen in the synchronisation of their menstrual cycles. The same principle applies to sickness and health.
When you experience sickness, you're tuning into a bioresonant field that isn't conducive to your health. Conversely, when you experience health, you're tuning into a bioresonant field that promotes well-being. So, the first foundation is crucial – the environment you're in dictates how you express your health. Let's delve deeper into this foundation shortly, but first, let's move on to the second foundation.
2. Law of Conservation
This law, typically learned in sixth or seventh grade, serves as the foundation of all science. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, suggesting an infinite nature. We'll circle back to this idea shortly.
The next three foundations revolve around cellular charge, pH, and oxygen levels. These elements are interconnected, expressing the same concept in different ways. Let's explore them further.
3. Cellular Charge
What is health? Health begins within your cells. A high electrical charge in your cells leads to a healthy experience, while a low charge or an electricity deficiency in your cells leads to disease. The goal is not just to ask “how do I stop being sick” or “how do I become healthy”. Through this awareness it says “how do I charge myself”.
On the spectrum of cellular charge, measured in millivolts (mV). Optimal cellular charge falls within the range of 70 mV to 90 mV. Conversely, a low charge, particularly 20 mV and below, is associated with conditions such as cancer. Creating an environment with a low electrical charge in your cells can lead to diseases like cancer, heart disease, depression, and anxiety. Therefore, it's evident that a low charge signifies disease, while a high charge signifies health.
4. pH (Hydrogen Potential)
pH stands for hydrogen potential. In simple terms, neutral pH is 7, anything below is acidic, and anything above is alkaline. An acidic body provides an environment conducive to disease, while an alkaline body creates an environment where diseases struggle to flourish. Therefore, a low pH is associated with disease, and a high pH is associated with health.
5. Oxygen Levels
Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize-winning doctor, demonstrated that depriving a single cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours can turn that cell cancerous. This highlights the critical role of oxygen in preventing disease. An oxygen-deficient environment allows cancer and disease to thrive, while an oxygen-rich environment creates conditions where disease cannot flourish. So, maintaining high oxygen levels promotes health and inhibits disease.
In summary, cellular charge, pH, and oxygen levels are three distinct engines expressing the same concept. By understanding how to charge your cells, balance pH, and ensure adequate oxygen levels, you can create an environment that discourages diseases from thriving. Rather than focusing on fighting diseases directly, the emphasis is on changing the environment within your body to make it inhospitable for diseases to flourish. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being.
So, how does Energy Enhancement EE System technology work in relation to the law of conservation?
To tap into this infinite torsion field, the Energy Enhancement EE System technology focuses on charging your cells. Going back to foundation number one, the environment you're in plays a crucial role. If you're in an environment charged at 70 mV to 90 mV, your cells will sync to that optimal charge. The technology aids in creating this charged environment, allowing your body to tap into its inherent ability to heal.
Now, let's delve into the implications of the Law of Conservation. The law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, suggesting an infinite nature. When Nikola Tesla recognised this, he faced opposition, as harnessing free, infinite energy could shift power dynamics. Unfortunately, those in control benefit from metering resources, making money off something that could be free.
The Energy Enhancement EE System allows your body to tap into its own healing abilities. It doesn't heal you; instead, it sets the stage for your body to function optimally. The pharmaceutical industry may want you to believe you need external interventions, but the truth is, your body possesses the tools and capabilities to heal itself. The challenge lies in remembering and becoming aware of this inherent power.
So, what is this infinite field, the torsion field?
It's a field of energy moving in all directions simultaneously, with no beginning or end—a toroidal field resembling a donut. This is the manifestation of the law of conservation in action. The movie "Thrive," produced by Foster Gamble in 2012, demonstrated the existence of the torsion field, validating its role in the infinite nature of energy.
In summary, the Energy Enhancement EE System technology facilitates your connection to the infinite torsion field, aligning with the law of conservation and allowing your body to harness its natural healing abilities. Understanding these principles empowers individuals to take control of their well-being, emphasising the innate capacity of the body to maintain health when provided with the right environment and awareness.
How do we create the torsion field and access the scalar field, which is beyond the speed of light?
The Energy Enhancement EE System, achieves this by understanding the concept of a torsion field. The torsion field, the basis of all creation, operates in a toroidal form with no beginning or end. From your heart to an apple, everything possesses an energetic field called a torsion field, reflecting the infinite nature of energy.
However, the modern world's sickness epidemic is linked to incoherent and distorted energy fields created by certain technologies. It's not that the technology is inherently bad, but rather it's being misused, generating incoherent fields that can lead to disease. To counteract this, the Energy Enhancement EE System focuses on recreating a coherent electromagnetic field through specific alignments and technologies.
Now, let's break down the technology into two main components: the Black Box and the Monitor Screens.
The Black Box creates the torsion field necessary for the body to sync with its natural toroidal field. Dr. Sandra Rose-Michael utilised computers to recreate a coherent electromagnetic field and access the torsion field. To create a torsion field scientifically, you need two identical electromagnetic fields in perfect alignment and proximity. The merging point of these fields generates a torsion field. Dr. Sandra Rose-Michael took this concept further by using four identical electromagnetic fields, creating a more stable and balanced torsion field.
In simpler terms, envision two identical cars colliding precisely, causing them to come to a standstill. Apply this concept to water hoses – two identical hoses with identical water pressure hitting each other will result in one stream going up and another going down. Add two more hoses, and the water streams will go up, down, left, and right, forming a torsion field. The Energy Enhancement EE System replicates this with light, creating a coherent electromagnetic field and accessing the torsion field beyond the speed of light.
Understanding scalar technology is key. Beyond the speed of light, scalar refers to the quantum field, where things happen everywhere at the same time. Scalar is about moving into the quantum field, representing a reality beyond our perceptual limitations. The Energy Enhancement EE System taps into this scalar field, bridging the gap between the non-physical and physical, the 5D and 3D, and the spiritual and material.
In holistic health, it's crucial to balance everything on all planes and dimensions. The four-point torsion field created by the Energy Enhancement EE System contributes to this holistic balance. The laser-calibrated technology ensures identical electromagnetic fields, merging to create a stable torsion field with a 4.4-mile diameter.
Understanding the technology's ability to balance scalar experiences is pivotal in catalysing the healing process. It aligns with the holistic health perspective, emphasising that we are matter made up of energy that cannot be created or destroyed. By comprehending these principles, individuals can grasp the significance of creating a coherent environment for the body to sync with its natural toroidal field, promoting overall well-being.
The next part of the technology is your Monitor Screen. What the monitors are doing is using light within the Spectrum to then impact you on the 3D level. Light within the Spectrum is zero to the speed of light (otherwise known as the speed of perception i.e. 186,000 miles per second). This spectrum
In summary, the monitors of the Energy Enhancement EE System play a crucial role in transmitting various elements to the body:
Schumann's Resonance - The heartbeat of planet Earth, transmitted at 7.83 Hertz, helps the body return to a grounded, healthy state.
Fibonacci Sequence - A set of numbers and ratios reflecting the golden mean, the natural order of growth and creation, bringing coherence to the body.
Sacred Geometry - Transmitting symbolic and spiritual meanings through geometric shapes found in nature, aligning with the fundamental patterns of creation.
Colour Therapy - Utilising the vibrational frequencies of colours to balance and align the energy centres (chakras) in the body.
Together, these elements contribute to the holistic balance of the individual, aligning with the principles of true holistic health - balancing all realms, dimensions, and realities. The technology aims to provide a coherent environment for the body to sync with its natural toroidal field, promoting overall well-being. Understanding and applying these principles empower individuals to master the rules and laws of the matrix, becoming masters rather than servants to the matrix of their own health and experience.
The Energy Enhancement EE System technology, with its components of the Black Box and the Monitor Screens, act as a tool to help create and maintain this balanced environment. It works by tapping into the torsion field, utilising scalar technology, and transmitting various elements such as Schumann's Resonance, the Fibonacci sequence, sacred geometry and colour therapy.
By understanding and working with these principles, individuals can empower themselves to take an active role in their health and well-being. The emphasis is on creating a holistic approach that goes beyond the limitations of our perceived reality, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical and non-physical aspects. The goal is to align with the infinite spectrum of energy, recognising that true holistic health encompasses everything from zero to infinity.
To summarise, the Energy Enhancement EE System technology operates on the basis of several foundational principles to create a balanced environment conducive to health:
Synchronisation with Environment
Individuals synchronise with the environment they are in. By being in a balanced and coherent environment, the body naturally tends to move towards a state of health.
Law of Conservation
Acknowledging the law of conservation, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, implies that there is an infinite field known as the torsion field. This infinite field is crucial for understanding and tapping into the natural order of creation.
Cellular Charge, pH, and Oxygen Levels
The three interconnected factors of cellular charge, pH, and oxygen levels contribute to health. Maintaining a high cellular charge (70 Mv to 90 Mv), balanced pH (neutral to alkaline), and sufficient oxygen levels helps prevent diseases and supports overall well-being.
Energy Enhancement EE System Technology
The technology consists of two main components—the Black Box and the Monitor Screens. The Black Box generates a torsion field by aligning four identical electromagnetic fields, creating a stable and coherent environment. The monitors use light within the spectrum, incorporating elements like Schumann's Resonance, the Fibonacci sequence, photonic collision, and colour therapy to balance the spectrum of light that affects the body.
Colour Therapy and DNA
Understanding that DNA primarily stores light, the technology utilises colour as a healing modality. Each colour corresponds to a specific energy frequency associated with different organs and systems in the body. By exposing the body to these colours, it can rebalance and optimise various functions.
Holistic Health
The holistic approach extends beyond the limitations of perceived reality, encompassing both the physical (3D) and non-physical (5D, scalar) aspects. Achieving true holistic health involves balancing both spectrums, allowing the body to sync with a harmonious environment and promoting self-healing.
Empowerment and Awareness
The technology doesn't directly heal the body but creates an environment that facilitates the body's innate ability to heal itself. The emphasis is on empowerment and awareness, encouraging individuals to understand their body's natural processes and take an active role in maintaining health.
In summary, we've found out how does the EESystem work. The Energy Enhancement EE System technology combines scientific principles, ancient wisdom, and innovative approaches to create a comprehensive system that aims to foster balance, coherence, and optimal health within the body and its surrounding environment.
This is How the EESYSTEM WORKS!!
Watch the full presentation by Jason below: