EE System: What Is EESystem Technology?
A Deep Dive into EESystem Technology
Delve into the inner workings of the Energy Enhancement EE System as Michael Scalar explains the science behind EESystem technology.
Watch this 10-minute presentation explaining how the innovative EE System technology works and how it can aid health and wellness.
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How Does The EESystem Work?
The Energy Enhancement EE System works by creating a balanced environment for the body to synchronise with, utilising principles such as the Law of Conservation (i.e. energy is infinite in nature and can neither be created nor destroyed) and maintaining optimal cellular charge, pH and oxygen levels. With a laser aligned configuration of the EESystem "Black Boxes" and the multiple display screens they combine to generate a stable torsion field and transmit elements like Schumann's Resonance and colour therapy which empowers the body to take an active role in its own holistic well being.
The Evolution of Scalar Field Technology
I (Michael Scalar) was 16, and for reference, I'm just past 39, so quite a while it's been my pleasure to watch the EESystem technology both evolve and then spread like wildfire through the planet with obviously the thanks to Jason Shurka and his team. It's been my pleasure to provide Humanity with my mum's life work, and I'm just so happy that everyone else out there can experience what we think is one of the most profound technologies on the planet.
The EESystem technology is quite intricate in general but simple at the same time. The basic scalar theory is opposing electromagnetic fields create a cancellation effect or phase conjugate wave pairs. This is the part that normally goes over people's heads, but you could think about it as two negative things colliding and making a positive – a transformational collision of energy that creates kind of implosion explosion that creates Scalar Fields.
Suggestion: watch EE System: How Does The EESystem Work? to learn more.
Understanding Scalar Fields and Biophotonics
With the Scalar Fields being the hot buzzword, typically, there's actually a plethora of different things going on with the EESystem technology. So we're utilising the Scalar Fields and then we are embedding on those with other things like biophotonics, which the layman's term would be colour therapy. Then what you're seeing scrolling on the screen is actually what we call Cellular Communication. We're actually trying to talk to your body, talk to your mind, all spheres of your existence to optimise and be better at whole.
If you can reach a higher level of anything, then you continue to ascend towards higher and greater things. Obviously, the colour therapy side of things is quite simple, quite old, but we're combining it with a bunch of different things that make it more conducive to all things being healthy in the body.
The Magic of Collision: Photon Interactions and God Particles
While the EESystem technology is creating the Scalar Fields, it is also throwing photons or light, which is coming off the screens. People ask why the screens are there as well; we're using those to generate biophotonics. With the collision of photons, you get really unique effects. We're not speeding anything up here, but we are colliding photons, which creates its own little unique phenomenon that's basically cutting edge physics even now to this very day.
That is literally the top tier of physics – the collision of photons. So we're doing that on a small, non-sped-up scale, creating our own little mini-God particles. That's part of the magic with the technology.
Unlocking the Body's Potential: The Role of Energy and Balance
When it comes to uptake from the body of the EESystem technology, your skin is the largest organ. So people go, do I need my eyes open? And you really don't to absorb colour and light; your body will uptake it. So with the colour, your skin is fine, and no, you don't need to get naked!
Obviously, if your eyes are open, you're going to absorb some of that, but when your eyes are closed, you are actually internalising energy and reserving energy. Sometimes it's better to really close your eyes, go deep, meditate, find peace within yourself while you're in optimal healthy environment.
Empowering the Body's Healing Potential
Our EESystem technology does not heal, cure, prevent, or treat anything, but the body is designed to heal itself from anything and everything. If you can raise the millivoltage in your body in your cells, you can reverse disease, you can improve many functions of the body because the body is electric in nature.
If you can increase just say a small portion of percentage of energy in your mind alone, your mind controls the different aspects of all your body chemicals. Things like that, if you can increase the energy in your thyroid or your liver or your kidneys, you're going to see a profound difference in your general well-being.
Measurable Effects: From DNA Repair to Increased Brain Activity
A lot of the research is showing oxygenation in the blood, which is really easy to show. So obviously, if you're getting energy on a large scale, it's going to show up through multiple different bio functions. We've shown DNA repair, increased oxygenation of blood, which then also leads to declumping of the blood.
Suggestion: watch Research on EESystem to learn more.
When all the body's little tiny mitochondrial type functions start kicking in, the first thing the body typically does is start to clean house. So you see an increased dump of toxins in the bloodstream, which then are manifest as things leaving the body, sweating, urination are great but obviously salt baths, the skin being the largest organ again, start pulling things out of the skin.
Unlocking Human Potential: Impact on Brain Activity and Evolution
My favorite thing with the technology is activity in the brain. When we do EEGs and show more activity in the brain, if you just used one to two percent more of your brain on a daily basis, your ability to comprehend the general things in the world will expand significantly.
Spirituality is really just a connection with God that increases the activity in the hemispheres. I really love the fact that the EESystem Technology is increasing electrical activity in the brain; it really is the most groundbreaking thing to me.
Spreading Positive Energy: Impact on Society and the World
I see the technology as something that creates a charge of energy around people that come to use it. So when one person comes in here, maybe they'll have a profound effect on themselves and their energy will be greater. And when they go speak to people and talk to people, that energy will rub off and create a hundredth monkey kind of thing, in where it's like a light torch being passed as each person who's interacted with it passes on a little.
I'm hoping with 500 people possibly being in here a day that they will go out and spread the energy. And I'm hoping that more and more people will come in here and have their own little experience, whether they know they're having experience or not. It's it doesn't matter consciously, subconsciously the energy flows and it goes where it needs to go.
Conclusion: A Catalyst for Personal and Global Transformation
In conclusion, scalar field technology coupled with biophotonics represents a fascinating frontier in holistic wellness and human potential enhancement. As we continue to explore its applications and impact, it becomes increasingly clear that this technology has the power to not only transform individuals but also contribute to the evolution of society as a whole.
A Deeper Dive Into the Science Behind the Energy Enhancement System Technology | Michael Scalar
Watch the full presentation by Michael below: